3D Printing Technology

3D Printing Technology Facts and Possibilities to Fascinate And Innovate.

3D printing technology is rapidly changing the way manufacturers in all industries across the globe manage their production processes. There must be something unique about this cutting-edge technology for so many companies to be adopting it at an accelerated pace – but what exactly is so exceptional about 3D printing, and why should you care?

3D Printing Technology Facts:

  1. 3D printing Technology Uses in various Industries

 The fast iteration of 3D printing, in combination with the diverse materials that are available, make it perfect for prototyping. Shoe company Camper’s use case is a great example. The fast and precise prototyping made possible with 3D printers gave Camper’s designers the creative freedom they needed to validate new designs quickly and easily test out new materials.

By employing 3D printing in the model creation process, doctors like Gustavo Nari have been able to develop and fabricate more accurate and sophisticated biomedical models. This in turn has led to an improved surgical planning process

CIM UPC found that they could save up to 3-8 thousand euros on one of their projects by switching from traditional methods like SLS, MJF, and MS to in-house 3D printing. They were able to manufacture parts in less than 48 hours at a lower cost per part, while also using the same materials used in injection molding

2. Robotics through Additive Manufacturing

Not only does 3D printing make it easy to create parts for robots, it is even possible to manufacture an entire robot using a 3D printer. the BCN3D Moveo robotic arm is open source and reproducible by 3D printers at a low cost, with parts which can easily be modified and customized for the exact use case. 

3D printing Technology 12

3. Mountain Rescue Motorcycle Parts manufacture through 3D Printing

The team at ELISAVA was able to use the Epsilon W50 to produce big end-use parts, such as the fender, for a mountain rescue motorcycle. A total of 19 end-use parts were created using 3D FFF technology and a variety of different materials.

Nx updates

NX Drafting and Layout Performance maximization with these new updates

NX Drafting

NX Drafting provides a comprehensive set of tools to produce and maintain engineering drawings which comply to major national and international drafting standards.

•A single source of dimensional and tolerance information
•Fully associative annotations
•More efficient downstream processes

What we’ll cover in this blog with NX Drafting:
Modernizing text entry for usability and familiarity with widely-used Microsoft Office functionality and workflows.
•Dynamic Text Editor
•Note General Context Tab
•Text Shortcut Toolbar
•Embedded Annotations
•Origin Alignment

NX Layout

An easy-to-use 2D conceptual design solution which helps you leverage a familiar 2D environment with dedicated support tools.

•2D Migration
•2D Design and Layout
•Associative 2D to 3D capabilities

What we’ll cover in this blog with NX Layout:
•Improved area fills in shapes for better performance and downstream reuse
•Improved large layout performance with 2D active sets

NX Drafting

Improve efficiency by defining the default origin alignment

Definition is now done in “Preferences” or “Customer Defaults”

Origin alignment block:
•More than the note command, all annotation commands are supported
•Origin alignment, stacking, and positioning of dimensions and annotations
•Origin alignment and positioning of tables
•Anchor point alignment for all text

A more natural and productive text entry with familiar interaction

Dynamic Text Editor
•Enter the text without tags in the text Input box and identical text appears instantly in the graphics window.

Shortcut Toolbar
•Quick access to common text formatting features:
•Color and font controls
•Symbol Palette •Expressions options
•“Precision” MB3 option for decimal places 
•“Replace” MB3 option to change existing

Improved efficiency with context tab and embedded annotations

Context tab:
On create or edit of a note, the Note General context tab gives access to:
•Common text formatting options •Insert and export text to or from an external text file
•Text alignment and other common settings

Embedded annotations:
•Replaces the symbols block from the note command
•Add feature control frames, datum feature symbols, and custom symbols
•Launches annotation specific UI to build desired annotation to embed into the note
•Quickly add attributes and expressions

Click for a demonstration on the above

NX Layout

Better performance and downstream reuse with improved area fills

Previously, area fills were generated from very small crosshatch patterns.

Changed to a true solid area fill:

•Smaller file size, more responsive, and better performance

Maximize performance of larger, complex layouts

Identify relevant curves for finding relations between other 2D components or sketch geometry.

2D active sets:
•Relation finding is a key feature of the new sketcher
•Active sets are stored in the definition of the 2D component and flows down to all instances
•De-emphasizes the 2D Component curves that are not a part of the active set